
Nikolaj a Elena Petrukovi
Akordeon (bayan) a kytara





DSC09+ lenaneon
ZVUK MP3 Noty/akordeon
Odkazy A.Piazzolla
Noty :Bach,varhany













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Associazione culturale musicale "FORTISSIMO", Lanciano (CH) (Italy)) organise


               International Competition for Accordionists Variété and Classic

26 september ,categ.”K”,”l”, 9.00-12.30

categ.”M”,”N”-15.00-20.00,sala Mazzini

27 september,cat.”V”,”J”-9.00-12.30,

28 september Categ.”I”,”O”-15.00-20.00

30 september ,h.9.00,Categ.”P”, “Tango”



CAT. I (junior, variété),  accordionists under 18 age old

CAT. J (senior, Variété),   accordionists over 18 age old

CAT. K (Baby, variété / classic), accordionists till 14 years inclusive

CAT. L (Boy, classic), accordionists till 14 years inclusive

 CAT. M (junior, classic),  accordionists  from 15 till 16 years inclusive


CAT. M+ (junior, classic),  accordionists from 17 till 18 years inclusive

CAT. N (senior, classic),  accordionists over 19 age old

CAT. V (Veteran, variété / classic),  accordionists over 41 age old

CAT “Variété -  minus 1” - ,  accordionists under 18 age old

CAT “Tango” - ,  (accordionists solo, , ensemble with one or more accordions, big ensemble)under 18 age old

CAT.  “O” (Chamber music, ensemble with one or more accordions), without limit of age

CAT. P (big ensemble, until 18 years)

CAT. Q (big ensemble, over 18 years)

Competitors will can play one or more free choise piece, but the performance must last:

CAT. I :max 8 min., Cat. J:  max 10 min, Cat. K :max 12 min Cat. L :max 14 min., CAT. M and “M+”:max 16 min., CAT. N: max 20 min., CAT. V :max 10 min, CAT. O and “O+”: max 18 min., CAT. P : max 15 min, CAT “Variété –minus 1” –max. 15 min., CAT “Tango” –max.18 min., Cat. Q max 25 min.




To 1st classified of Cat. I , J, N,V, and “Variété -  minus 1”  

a Diploma, the Trophy  and a who take max. points in Cat., refund of 150 euros

To Laureats of First Prise of Cat.K a Diploma, the Trophy  and a who take max. points in Cat., refund of 80 euros

To Laureats of First Prise of Cat.L a Diploma, the Trophy  and a who take max. points in Cat., refund of 80 euros

To Laureats of First Prise of Cat.- M and M+ a Diploma, the Trophy  and a who take max. points in Cat., refund of 100 euros

To Laureats of First Prise of Cat.”O”. a Diploma, the Trophy  and a who take max. points in Cat., refund of 300 euros

To Laureats of First Prise of Cat.P. a Diploma, the Trophy  and a who take max. points in Cat., refund of 400 euros

To Laureats of First Prise of Cat.Q a Diploma, the Trophy  and a who take max. points in Cat., refund of 600 euros

To 2nd classified of Cat. . I, J, K, L, M, N, V,O, P, Q a Diploma, a Cup

To 3rd classified of Cat. I, J, K, L, M, N, V,O, P, Q a Diploma, a Plate

All the other competitors will receive a certificate of participation.


The application must be sent by mail to:

Associazione culturale musicale "FORTISSIMO", Lanciano (CH) (Italy)

by email to: cesaremagnum@hotmail.com

Sede Operativa
Via R. Fauro, 10/A - 66034 Lanciano (Ch) ITALY
Tel. e Fax: +39 0872 320172
Mob.: +39 347 1434974

The following certificates must be enclosed: the receipt of payment of 40 euros  for cat.”K”,”L” , of 60 euros for cat. “I”,”J”,”M”,”N”,”V., of  120 euros   for cat. “O”., of 120 euros for cat. “Tango”,  of 150 eur.  for cat. P.,and of 150 euros   Cat. “Q”., addressed to “Associazione culturale musicale "FORTISSIMO", Lanciano (CH) (Italy)

Residing and a food of participants and visitors!!!!!

FOR THE PERIOD OF CARRYING out Competition, During the PERIOD FROM 3 ON OCTOBER, 10TH for visitors and participants the special prices for residing and a food in the city of Lanchiano (Italy) are finished speaking.

The residing prices (the price for one person for one night):

Camping at the sea - small houses with all conveniences, kitchen, a plate for cooking-14 euro a day (habitation for those who will have the transport or groups of participants and the visitors, arrived by buses)


2. Hotel ** in Lanchiano, rooms on 4  places, the price for one person 17 euros for a night, Hotel ***-number on 2 persons, with a breakfast-36 euro for a night (on 20 euros from the person),contact:

Elena Evtikhovich ( Lanciano, Italia), eevtikhovich@yahoo.com

3. A food: the prices in three points of public catering, nearby residing and competition places (a comment of 150 metres) - the price for a complex dinner - 5 euros that twice below established prices are finished speaking.

In the menu: on a choice the second dish with every possible greens, a small bottle of a light wine or water mineral (on a choice), a newly-baked white loaf (different kinds).




 International Prize for Concert-Accordionists

“Città di Lanciano”

 27 september - first  round h. 9.00

28 september, F. Fenaroli  Theater

h. 9.00 -  second  round

30 september h. 9.00- 14.00  third  round


Competitors will can play one or more free choise piece, but the performance must last:

1st round max 14 minutes (free program in different style)

2nd round max 20 minutes (free program)

3rd round with orchestra competitors can choice one of  this pieces :

 Vladimir Porotsky – Suite Contrasts (2,4,5 parts)    (for accordion and chamber string orchestra) - PDF


Vladimir Zubitsky : „Ommaggio ad Astor Piazzolla“, concerto for accordion and orchestra - pdf




Candidates must present to the Jury three copies printed or manuscripted of the free choise pieces.

The decision of the Jury of examiners is final.

The Jury reserves the right not to award the prize if the qualifications do not correspond to those requested.

The Jury will express the results in points from 1 to 100.

The application form for participation moves till September, 25th  .

A payment 80 euros – after the arrival.

The application must be sent

by mail to: Associazione culturale musicale "FORTISSIMO", Lanciano (CH) (Italy))

by e-mail to: cesaremagnum@hotmail.com                                     vl.zubitsky@gmail.com

“Fortissimo Associazione Culturale Musicale"
Sede Operativa
Via R. Fauro, 10/A - 66034 Lanciano (Ch) ITALY
Tel. e Fax: +39 0872 320172
Mob.: +39 347 1434974
E-mail: vl.zubitsky@gmail.com


 within 20th September.




The following prizes will be awarded:

To 1st classified, a Diploma of Laureated, the Trophy of the International  Accordion Prize “Città di Lanciano” and a refund of  600 euros

To 2nd classified, a Diploma of Laureated, a Cup of  the International  Accordion Prize “Città di Lanciano” and a refund of  400 euros

To 3rd classified, a Diploma of Laureated, a Plate of International  Accordion Prize “Città di Lanciano” and a refund of  200 euros

To 4th  classified, a Diploma of Laureated, a Medal of International  Accordion Prize “Città di Lanciano” and a refund of  150 euros

To 5th classified, a Diploma of Laureated, a Medal of International  Accordion Prize “Città di Lanciano” and a refund of  100 euros


All the other competitors will receive a certificate of participation.




Application Form


for taking part in the International Competition for Accordionists Variété and Classic

International Prize for Concert-Accordionists

“Città di Lanciano”


Monday,Tuesday 24 and 25.9-30.9  2015.



1. Nomination__________________________________________________

2. Instrument(s) (solo performer’s name) _____________________________

3. Ensemble’s name_______________________________________________

4. Surname, name_________________________________________________






5. Citizenship____________________________________________________

6. Brief creative biography__________________________________________






7. Parts’ program with time study _____________________________________




8. Address, telephone, E-mail________________________________________




9. Number of rooms in the hotel______________________________________   

10. Signature______________________________________________________

11. Date_________________________________________________________


Organising committee  International Competition for Accordionists Variété and Classic,

International Prize for Concert-Accordionists  “Città di Lanciano”








Председатель жюри Конкурсов

Владимир Данилович Зубицкий (Италия-Украина)

Vladimir Zubitsky(Ukraine-Italy)

Presidente della giuria

E-mail : v.zubitsky@gmail.com  




duo-giampaolo-bandini-cesare-chiachiaretta  Артистический директор

Чезаре Кьякьяретта (Италия)    

Art - manager of competition

Cesare Chiachiaretta (Italy)

E-mail: cesaremagnum@hotmail.com  



Сергей Кузнецов Артистический директор Международного фестиваля и Конкурса «Либертанго» и фестиваля «Сибирские встречи», заслуженный артист России, солист и концертмейстер группы баянов Гос. оркестра "Сибирь"им. Е.И.Борисова (Барнаул)

Сергей Кузнецов(Россия)

Sergey Kuznetsov(Russia)

The artistic director of the International festival and Competition "Libertango" and festival «Siberian meetings», the honoured artist of Russia,http://www.libertango.org.ru     piazz@yandex.ru


Elena Evtikhovich, org buroНачальник бытового сектора,организатор,менеджер по связям с городскими структурами Ланчиано

Елена Евтихович(Италия)

Elena Evtikhovich ( Lanciano, Italia)

The chief of household sector, the organizer, the manager on communications with city structures Lanchiano,   





vittorio-neroорганизатор Конкурсов,директор школы искусств г.Ланчиано

Витторио Ди Мэнно Ди Букьянико(Виктор Солярис)

Di Menno Di Bucchianico Vittorio,

 direttore della scuola musicale, Lanciano, Italia




professor-imhanitzkiyПрофессор, доктор искусствоведения, академик
Михаил Иосифович Имханицкий

Michael Iosifovich Imhanitsky (Russia)

The professor, the doctor of art criticism, the academician


E-mail: mikhimkh@yandex.ru



10_bigЗаслуженный деятель искусств Российской Федерации,
Кандидат искусствоведения
Профессор,декан,заведующий регионом Санкт-Петербург и область

Николай Александрович Кравцов (Россия)

Kravtsov Nikolai Alexandrovich (Russia)

The honoured worker of arts of the Russian Federation,

The candidate of art criticism, the Professor, the dean managing region St.-Petersburg and area


E-mail: kravtsov@accordionkravtsov.com



Секретарь-ассистент председателя жюри Международного Конкурса

Николай  Петрук (Чехия)

Nikolaj Petruk (Czechia)

The secretary-assistant of the chairman of jury of the International Competition





Zhmodik1Заведующий Словацким,Западно-Украинским  секторами,

менеджер по связям с конкурсантами

Игорь Влах (Словакия-Украина)

Igor Vlah (Slovakia-Ukraine).

The manager Slovak, West Ukrainian sectors,

The manager on communications with contestants

ihor.vlakh@gmail.com     http://www.konzjlbbb.sk


IMG_0001Заведующий отделом Скандинавии(Финляндия,Швеция,Норвегия) и Северным регионом России, менеджер по связям с конкурсантами

Андрей Гоголев (Россия-Финляндия)

Andrey Gogolev (Russia-Finland)

The head of department of Scandinavia (Finland, Sweden, Norway) and Northern region of Russia, the manager on communications with participant´s  

 E-mail: gogolev.andrey@gmail.com ,gsm: +358468105557,  http://www.andreygogolev.com


Bayan ''Jupiter
Category Participant
Juri Fotogallery Contacts Press
Участники Архив
Категории Контакт
Бюро Конкурса Фотогалерея Пресса